Friday, December 25, 2009

Our First Christmas

Merry Christmas... and I say this fully knowing that it is no longer politically correct, that I should be saying "Happy Holidays" instead, and that plently of people will complain or at least cringe a little bit on the inside everytime I smile and make such a blasphemous remark. I mean, how dare I say such a thing!

Well you know what, it's my first Christmas being married, and I happen to believe in the Christ part of Christmas so that's what I'm going to say. At work, in the mall, on Rt. 93 when someone cuts me off... this is my stand. Ha! And all you "politically-correcters" can just EAT IT!

Now that I'm done with my rant and rave, I have to say that for our first official Christmas as a married couple it is quite uneventful. After a failed attempt to organize our schedules to be able to visit my NJ family we have shrunk our dreams for this holiday season way, way, way down to size as we are both working the overnight Christmas Eve into Christmas, then scrambling the day-of to get to his father's and then his mother's for a few hours before I return to work, yet again, that very next day.

Gone are the good 'ole days of high school, and even early college, where we actually got to have a christmas break. Bah Humbug - the working world says.

Well I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (which, as if this were a shocker, I am also working).